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What is Trean?


Trean is a Horde bookmarks manager.

This software is OSI Certified Open Source Software. OSI Certified is a certification mark of the Open Source Initiative.

1   Obtaining Trean

Further information on Trean and the latest version can be obtained at

2   Documentation

The following documentation is available in the Trean distribution:

README:This file
LICENSE:Copyright and license information
docs/CHANGES:Changes by release
docs/CREDITS:Project developers
docs/INSTALL:Installation instructions and notes

3   Installation

Instructions for installing Trean can be found in the file INSTALL in the docs/ directory of the Trean distribution.

4   Assistance

If you encounter problems with Trean, help is available!

The Horde Frequently Asked Questions List (FAQ), available on the Web at

Horde LLC runs a number of mailing lists, for individual applications and for issues relating to the project as a whole. Information, archives, and subscription information can be found at

Lastly, Horde developers, contributors and users also make occasional appearances on IRC, on the channel #horde on the Freenode Network (

5   Licensing

For licensing and copyright information, please see the file LICENSE in the Trean distribution.


The Trean team