Development  »  Libraries  »  SyncMl


  • handle recurring events

  • handle alarms in sync4j

  • review session handling.
    • Deal with "unfinished" sessions after incomplete sync.
    • use cookies where possible. Otherwise concurrent sessions with device ID "sc-pim-outlook" will cause trouble big time.
  • implement BUSY feature

  • try to speedup data retrival inside horde

  • create configuration in horde preferences: allow fancy stuff like "delete calendar entries from clients for events n days in the past"

  • create page to view summary of previous sync and ultimately handle collisions as well...

  • get vcard/icalendar handling right: support ical 1.0/2.0 and vcard 2.1/3.0 creation.

Redesign / Refactoring

-concentrate business logic where possible (controller class),
seperate xml parsing/creation from business logic