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Horde Coding Standards
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- 1 Basics
- 2 Indenting/Whitespace
- 3 Language Case
- 4 Control Structures
- 5 Function Calls
- 6 Function Definitions
- 7 Class Definitions
- 8 Naming Libraries
- 10 Including Code
- 11 PHP Code Tags
- 12 Header Comment Blocks
- 13 Example URLs
- 14 php.ini settings
- 15 HTML 4 Compliance
- 16 Database Conventions
- 17 Regular Expression Use
- 18 Parameter Passing
- 19 Long Lines
- 20 Line Breaks
- 21 Private Variables
- 22 Array Definitions
- 23 Internationalization (I18n)
- 24 Error checking
- 25 Exceptions in Framework Packages
- 26 Existence checking
- 28 define()
- 29 Security Considerations
- 30 Optimizations
- 32 PHP Function Issues
- 33 Hashing Algorithm
- 34 CSRF Token protection
1 Basics
Horde Coding Standards are following PSR-0, PSR-1 and PSR-2 of the PHP Framework Interop Group
2 Indenting/Whitespace
Use an indent of 4 spaces, with no tabs. Remove all trailing whitespace. If using vim, the following .vimrc code will highlight trailing whitespace in red:
highlight WhitespaceEOL ctermbg=red guibg=red match WhitespaceEOL /\s\+$/
3 Language Case
When working with PHP statements, constructs or keywords, lowercase text is required. This does not apply to classes provided by PHP, which should be written as they are in the PHP manual (e.g. DOMDocument::createCDATASection)
4 Control Structures
These include if, for, while, switch, etc. Here is an example if statement, since it is the most complicated of them:
if ((condition1) || (condition2)) { action1; } elseif ((condition3) && (condition4)) { action2; } else { defaultaction; }
Multi-line if conditions are braced this way:
if ((condition1) || (condition2) || (condition3) || (condition4)) { action1; }
Control statements should have one space between the control keyword and opening parenthesis, to distinguish them from function calls.
Do not omit the curly braces under any circumstance. In the case of a large number of short tests and actions, the following is acceptable:
if (condition) { action; } if (condition 2) { action 2; } ...
For switch statements:
switch (condition) { case 1: action1; break; case 2: action2; break; default: defaultaction; break; }
5 Function Calls
Functions should be called with no spaces between the function name, the opening parenthesis, and the first parameter; spaces between commas and each parameter, and no space between the last parameter, the closing parenthesis, and the semicolon. Here's an example:
$var = foo($bar, $baz, $quux);
As displayed above, there should be one space on either side of an equals sign used to assign the return value of a function to a variable. In the case of a block of related assignments, more space may be inserted to promote readability:
$short = foo($bar); $long_variable = foo($baz);
The "@" operator can be used to silence any errors that a function call may generate. This should be used with caution, as any fatal errors will be completely transparent to the user. Only use "@" to silence functions that, e.g., emit warnings when the data input is incorrect (such as unserialize()).
6 Function Definitions
Function declarations follow the "BSD/Allman" convention:
function fooFunction($arg1, $arg2 = '') { if (condition) { statement; } return $val; }
Arguments with default values go at the end of the argument list. Always attempt to return a meaningful value from a function if one is appropriate.
Functions used only in the current script/class (e.g. private or protected) should begin with a _ character (e.g. _exampleLibrary). This helps distinguish these private functions from other, publicly available functions.
7 Class Definitions
Class definitions also follow the "BSD/Allman" convention:
class Some_Class { /** * */ var $_variable; public function fooFunction() { statement; } }
Note the blank line at the end of the class definition.
8 Naming Libraries
Libraries (any file located in the lib/ directory of the application) should be named with capital letters at the beginning of each word. Use studlycaps for naming; a session cache class would be stored in lib/SessionCache.php.
If the library/class is extended, the extending files should be stored in a directory under lib/ with the same name as the original library. Subclasses follow the exact same naming requirements.
8.1 Example
The "Example Library" library should be saved as lib/ExampleLibrary.php. Any file extending the library/class should be stored in the directory lib/ExampleLibrary/.
Inline documentation for classes should follow the phpDocumentor conventions.
Quick example for private variable definition for Horde:
/** * Variable description. * * @var datatype */
Quick example function definition for Horde:
/** * The description of the function goes here. * * @param datatype $variablename Description of variable. * @param datatype $variable2name Description of variable2. * ... * [Insert 2 spaces after the longest $variable definition, and then line * up all descriptions with this description] * * @return datatype Description of return value. * [Once again, insert 2 spaces after the datatype, and line up all * subsequent lines, if any, with this character.] * * @since Horde x.x.x [Only if necessary - use if function is added to the * current release versions to indicate that the function has not been * available in previous versions. @since is only needed if the function * has been added after the last major point release - e.g. x.0.] */
10 Including Code
You should not explicitly include or require classes. Horde provides an autoloader library, so the class should be autoloaded. This will allow maximum flexibility in managing class libraries.
For all other includes (configuration files, data files, etc.) use include.
11 PHP Code Tags
Always use <?php to delimit PHP code, not the <? shorthand. This is required for PEAR compliance and is also the most portable way to include PHP code on differing operating systems and setups.
In templates, make sure to use this as well (<?php echo $varname ?>), as the shortcut version (<?= $var ?>) does not work with short_open_tag turned off.
Files should never end with a closing '?>'. This is redundant and can allow whitespace added to the end of a file to cause PHP to send headers early.
12 Header Comment Blocks
All source code files in the Horde distribution should contain the following comment block as the header:
Example for LGPL'ed Horde code:
/** * The Horde_Foo class provides an API for various foo * techniques that can be used by Horde applications. * * Copyright 2009-2017 Horde LLC ( * * See the enclosed file COPYING for license information (LGPL-2). If you * did not receive this file, see * * @author Original Author <> * @author Your Name <> * @category Horde * @package Package * @license LGPL-2 * @since Horde 4.0.1 [only if needed] */
Example for GPL'ed application code:
/** * The App_Bar class contains all functions related to handling * bars in App. * * Copyright 2009-2017 Horde LLC ( * * See the enclosed file COPYING for license information (GPL). If you * did not receive this file, see * * @author Original Author <> * @author Your Name <> * @category Horde * @package App * @license GPL * @since App 1.0.1 [only if needed] */
There's no hard rule to determine when a new code contributer should be added to the list of authors for a given source file. In general, their changes should fall into the "substantial" category (meaning somewhere around 10% to 20% of code changes). Exceptions could be made for rewriting functions or contributing new logic.
Simple code reorganization or bug fixes would not justify the addition of a new individual to the list of authors.
13 Example URLs
Use for all example URLs, per RFC 2606.
14 php.ini settings
Horde code MUST NOT use global variables set by EGPCS (Environment, GET, POST, Cookie, Server) data. Instead, the magic variables $_ENV, $_GET, $_POST, $_COOKIE``, and $_SERVER must be used instead.
To retrieve posted data (in the global $_GET and $_POST variables), you should normally use Horde_Util::getFormData() which will automatically run Horde_Util::dispelMagicQuotes(). This will ensure that all Horde code will work regardless of the setting of magic_quotes_gpc. The only time you should not use Horde_Util::getFormData() is if you want to directly access a GET or POST variable instead; in this case, you should use Horde_Util::getGet() or Horde_Util::getPost() respectively.
All Horde code should work with error_reporting = E_ALL. Failure to do so would result in ugly output, error logs getting filled with lots of warning messages, or even downright broken scripts.
No Horde code should assume that '.' is in the include path. Always specify './' in front of a filename when you are including a file in the same directory.
15 HTML 4 Compliance
All Horde libraries and applications that generate content to be sent to a web browser are expected to generate HTML 4 compliant syntax. This is a change from earlier mandates to use XHTML 1.0.
All tag names and parameters must be lower case including javascript event handlers:
<font color="#ffffff">...</font> <a href="" onmouseover="status=''" onmouseout="status=''">...</a>
All tag parameters must be of a valid parameter="value" form (numeric values must also be surrounded by quotes). For parameters that had no value in HTML, the parameter name is the value. For example:
<input type="checkbox" checked="checked"> <select name="example"> <option selected="selected" value="1">Example</option> </select> <td nowrap="nowrap">Example</td>
All form definitions must be on their own line and either fully defined within a <td></td> pair or be outside table tags. Forms must also always have an action parameter:
<form method="post" action=""> <table> <tr><td>example</td></tr> </table> </form> <table> <tr><td> <form action="javascript:void(0)" onsubmit="return false;"> </form> </td></tr> </table>
All JavaScript tags must have a valid type parameter:
<script type="text/javascript"> ... </script>
Nothing may appear after </html>, therefore include any common footers after all other output.
All images must have an alt attribute:
<img src="example.gif" alt="<?php echo _("Example") ?>" /> <?php echo Horde_Themes_Image::tag('example.gif', array( 'alt' => _("Example") )); ?>
Input fields of type "image" do not allow the border attribute and may render with a border on some browsers. Use the following instead:
<a href="" onclick="document.formname.submit(); return false;"><?php echo Horde_Themes_Image::tag("example.gif", array( 'alt' => _("Example") )); ?></a>
16 Database Conventions
All database tables used by Horde resources and Horde applications need to make sure that their table and field names work in all databases. Many databases reserve words like 'uid', 'user', etc. for internal use, and forbid words that are SQL keywords (select, where, etc.). Also, all names should be lowercase, with underscores ('_') to separate words, to avoid case sensitivity issues.
A good way to do this for field names is to make the field name tablename_fieldname.
Other general guidelines: Table names should be plural (users); field names should be singular (user_name).
Use Horde_Db for any SQL schema management and for queries, especially for result set pagination ('LIMIT' is not portable). Also, do not use the 'AS' keyword for table aliases.
In SQL queries, keywords should be capitalized.
Identifiers should not be longer than 30 characters.
17 Regular Expression Use
Always use the preg_ functions instead of ereg_ (and preg_split() instead of split()); they are included in PHP by default and are faster than ereg_; ereg_ is also deprecated in PHP 5.3+.
NEVER use a regular expression to match or replace a static string. explode() (in place of preg_split()), str_replace(), strpos(), or strtr() do the job much more efficiently.
In addition, when doing replacement or regex matching on large strings, if you don't know if the target string contains the text to be matched or replaced, it is often a performance win to use strpos() to check first. Then, only if the text to be matched or replaced is present, go ahead and do the more memory intensive string manipulation.
18 Parameter Passing
Parameters should be passed by value wherever semantically possible. This practice takes full advantage of reference counting.
The ternary operator automatically returns a copy of its operands, so don't use it with objects unless you are sure you want to return an object copy.
If at all possible, the number of optional arguments to a function should be limited. If optional arguments are needed, it is usually best to have the last parameter be an array which contains the list of optional arguments. This also eases future expansion since new options can be added without changing the API.
19 Long Lines
The optimal line length is 80 characters, including comments. The maximum line length is 100 characters unless this severely impacts the clarity of the code. When deciding where to wrap, aim for readability, understanding that different developers will have different views on this. Always wrap comments and leave at least 2 spaces at the right margin (in other words, wrap at 78 characters).
20 Line Breaks
Only use UNIX style of linebreak (\n), not Windows/DOS/Mac style (\r\n).
Using vim, to convert from DOS style type:
:set ff=unix
Using vi, to convert from DOS style type:
(Note that the ^M is a control character, and to reproduce it when you type in the vi command you have to pad it first using the special ^V character.)
21 Private Variables
Variables used exclusively within a class should begin with a underscore ('_') character. An example class variable definition: protected $_variablename;
22 Array Definitions
When defining arrays, or nested arrays, use the following format, where indentation is noted via the closing parenthesis characters:
$arrayname['index'] = array( 'name1' => 'value1', 'name2' => array( 'subname1' => 'subvalue1', 'subname2' => 'subvalue2' ), );
The only exception should be for empty or short arrays that fit on one line, which may be written as:
$arrayname['index'] = array(); $arrayvar = array('foo1' => 'bar1');
23 Internationalization (I18n)
Mark all strings presented to the user as gettext strings by calling the gettext shortcut function (_()):
echo _("Hello world");
Don't use the gettext functions for strings that will be written to a log file or otherwise presented to the administrator.
The Horde_String:: class contains several string manipulation methods that are, as opposed to their PHP equivalents, locale and charset safe.
Use Horde_String::convertCharset() if you need to convert between different character set encodings (for example, between user input and a storage backend or data from an external source and the user interface). You don't need to care if the character sets are really different.
Use the Horde_String::lower() and Horde_String::upper() methods without a second parameter if you need to perform a locale-independent string conversion. That's the case for all strings that are further processed or interpreted by code. Use these methods with the second parameter set to true for strings that need to be converted correctly according to the current (or specified) character set.
Use the other Horde_String:: equivalents of PHP string functions to manipulate strings correctly according to the current (or specified) character set but use the PHP functions for code/machine processed strings.
24 Error checking
Horde code should throw Horde_Exception objects (or equivalent Exception derivatives) to report errors. The calling code should either explicitly catch the exception and handle it or else the Horde-wide exception handler will handle the exception, display an error message, and exit the script:
try { $result = $something->call('may error'); // Succeeded. } catch (Horde_Exception $e) { // Handle error condition. }
Do NOT return PEAR_Error objects. Any PEAR_Error objects should be converted to a Horde_Exception before throwing.
When throwing a Horde_Exception the error message provided should not be localized.
Throwing exceptions is expensive, so use them carefully for logic flow. You should cache results of Horde_Core_Hooks#callHook() calls for example, if you plan on calling a hook hundreds of time an access.
25 Exceptions in Framework Packages
Exceptions thrown in packages can be divided into two categories: code/logic exceptions and execution exceptions.
25.1 Code/Logic Exceptions
These are exceptions that should be thrown when there is an issue with the programming logic - e.g. the environment was not properly set up by an application, or a required parameter was not provided.
These type of exceptions should throw one of the SPL Exceptions (e.g. BadFunctionCallException, LogicException, RuntimeException), NOT a package exception. This ensures that errors will normally cause a fatal error, rather than potentially being caught and ignored by the calling code. As such, there is no need to document the exception in phpdoc. Further, the exception messages should not be translated, as these messages are intended for developers not users.
25.2 Execution Exceptions
These are exceptions that are thrown due to an error encountered while performing the action requested by the calling code.
Any package that throws at least one execution Exception should define a Horde_PackageName_Exception class that extends Horde_Exception. Execution exceptions should use this class when throwing an error. Any method that throws this kind of exception should document it in the phpdoc using the @throws keyword. These messages should be translated, as they potentially could be displayed to the user at the application level.
26 Existence checking
Often you'll need to check whether or not a variable or property exists. There are several cases here:
If you need to know if a variable exists at all and is not null, use isset():
// Check to see if $param is defined. if (isset($param)) { // $param may be false, but it's there. }
If you need to know if a variable exists AND has a non-empty value (not null, 0, false, empty string or undefined), use !empty():
// Make sure that $answer exists, is not an empty string, and is // not 0: if (!empty($answer)) { // $answer has some non-false content. } else { // (bool)$answer would be false. }
As pointed out in the comment of the else clause, empty() essentially does the same check as isset() -- is this variable defined in the current scope? -- and then, if it is, returns what the variable would evaluate to as a boolean. This means that 0, while potentially valid input, is "empty" - so if 0 is valid data for your case, don't use !empty().
If you want to know if a variable is a non-empty string, including 0, you have to use strlen(). This only works with strings or scalars that automatically cast to strings without problems:
// Make sure that $str is a non-empty string. $str must exist, so add an // additional check with isset() if necessary. if (strlen($str)) { // $str has a non-zero length. } else { // $str is an empty string '', or null. }
If you know you are working with a mixed variable then using just isset() and empty() could cause unexpected results, for example if testing for a key and the variable is actually a string:
$foo = 'bar'; if (isset($foo['somekey'])) { // This will evaluate to TRUE! }
If you know that there is a possibility of a mixed type variable the solution in this case would be to add an is_array() check in the if() statement.
Use array_key_exists() when you want to check if an array key is defined even if it has a value of null:
// Make sure we have a charset parameter. Value could also be null. if (!array_key_exists('charset', $params)) { throw new Horde_Exception('Incomplete configuration'); }
Please note that array_key_exists() is a performance hit (25%-100%) and should only be used when necessary. Instead try to use !empty() or isset() instead.
You should always use single quote (') characters around strings, except where double quote (") characters are required. All literal strings should be in single quotes. A comparison of single and double quote usage follows:
- Single Quotes:
- Variables in the string are not parsed or expanded.
- New line symbols can be included as literal line ends (not recommended).
- To include a single quote character, escape it with a \ (backslash) character, as in: echo 'Here\'s an example';
- To specify a \ (backslash) character, double it: echo 'c:\\temp';
- Double Quotes:
- Parses and expands variables in the string.
- Uses advanced (sprintf-style) escape sequences like \n, \$, \t, etc.
- Should be used in the gettext shortcut _("") format.
- Use with care, as many correct looking strings are really invalid.
The following are incorrect:
echo "Today is the $date['day'] of $date['month']" $foo[index] = $foo["old_index"];
28 define()
define() is a somewhat slow function in PHP (as of PHP 4.3.x) so excessive use is discouraged. Every constant created by define() should be prefixed with HORDE_, its package name, or the application name.
Class constants should be defined inside the class using the const keyword.
29 Security Considerations
The following are a non-exhaustive list of features/functions to take special care with:
29.1 PHP Code Execution:
require, include, require_once, include_once - Carefully audit any variables used in these functions, and check the source of any constants as well.
eval and create_function - Obvious danger if user input is supplied to it in uncontrolled conditions.
preg_replace - The /e modifier is deprecated and must no longer be used.
29.2 Command Execution:
exec - Executes a specified command and returns the last line of output.
passthru - Executes a specified command and writes the output to STDOUT.
`` (backticks) - Executes the specified command and returns all the output in an array.
system - Like passthru() but doesn't handle binary data.
popen - Executes a specified command and connects its output or input stream to a PHP file descriptor.
29.3 File Disclosure:
File functions which can be potentially used to open remote or unintended files: fopen, readfile, file, file_get_contents.
30 Optimizations
The following optimizations should be used, if possible:
30.1 extension_loaded()
This appears to be an expensive PHP call. Use Horde_Util::extensionExists() instead, which will cache the results of the call.
30.2 Concatenate strings
Building a string with concatenation (the "." operator) using single-quoted strings and variables is faster than using an interpolated string (a string inside double quotes with variables inside the string itself). In addition, concatenation is easier to read and audit for logic and security problems.
30.3 Loops
Make sure that you do not continue to define the same variable within a loop. Instead, declare the variable a single time before the loop is run.
Additionally, for large amounts of data, do not use foreach() loops, as PHP will make an additional copy in memory of every element of the array when traversing. Instead, use either array_shift, a for() loop, or the next()/each() functions. (NOTE: As of PHP 5, it is possible to indicate that the values should be provided to the interior of the loop by reference, thereby eliminating the need to create a copy of the value.)
30.4 Array
Avoid frequent array accesses. If you use an array or an array member in a loop, assign it to a variable first:
$a = array('x' => 'y'); $entries = array(...); $length = count($entries); $x = $a['x']; for ($i = 0; $i < $length; ++$i) { echo $x; }
Don't use array_unique(). The following is reported to be 20 times faster:
$unique = array_keys(array_flip($foo));
Even better, if possible rework the algorithm to store the unique data in the key and then call array_keys($foo) to return the unique list.
Avoid array_push(), the [] operator is much faster:
$array[] = 'element';
30.5 User defined functions
User defined functions are more expensive than "regular" functions. Use them only if they improve the code readability more than regular functions.
30.6 Dynamically created functions (eval and create_function)
Code executed with eval, and functions created with create_function, are essentially PHP code that the engine has to parse every time it is run. This code is impossible to cache with an opcode cache, and even without one is slower than regular PHP code. Because they also have security risks, they should be avoided if at all possible.
30.7 Disk I/O
Disk read and write operations are slow. If possible read and write files in large chunks. According to the PHP documentation, file_get_contents() is potentially much faster than using fopen()/fread()/fclose(). BUT the trade-off is the need to read the entire file into memory, so use of file_get_contents() depends on the data size.
To access either STDIN, STDOUT, or STDERR, the following code should be used:
while (!feof([STDIN|STDOUT|STDERR])) { $line = fgets([STDIN|STDOUT|STDERR]); // process $line here }
32 PHP Function Issues
32.1 fpassthru()
This function can fail depending on the size of the stream. Instead, use fread() to get the stream data:
// NO: fpassthru($stream); while (!feof($stream)) { echo fread($stream, 8192); }
33 Hashing Algorithm
33.1 Recommended Algorithm
FNV1-32 is the recommended algorithm to use for non-cryptographic hashing actions. Unfortunately, it is not available until PHP 5.4. For PHP 5.3, use SHA-1 instead:
$hash = hash(PHP_MINOR_VERSION >= 4) ? 'fnv132' : 'sha1', $string);
MD5 should NOT be used, as it has known collision issues. (NOTE: SHA-1 hashes are 160-bit vs. MD5 hashes which are 128-bit; care needs to be taken if switching between methods regarding storage side of the hash string. FNV1-32 hashes are 32-bit.)
34 CSRF Token protection
Any "destructive" action must be protected by a token to prevent CSRF attacks. The session token can be retrieved via Horde_Session#getToken() and checked via Horde_Session@checkToken().